Saturday, November 24, 2007

Upcoming Posting Ideas

I thought I should write down some of my posting ideas before I forget them all!

Photos of recent pages
Write about my wishblade
Write about digital sb
Post digital sbpages & cards
Write about my camera
Write about my journey to sbing
Write about my sbing friends & family

I'll add more later

Scrapping Cruise?

Ever since I could talk I've been promising to SOMEDAY take my mother on a tropical vacation. Seriously, I can't remember a time when I didn't talk about doing this. When I was growing up she was a single, very hard working lady and I just always thought she deserved something like that. She's STILL hard working so nothing has changed! Yet I know to this day, that though she could probably swing it one way or another now, she never would.

Flash forward to today. I haven't managed to take her just yet. Highschool turned into college turned into a new marriage and a career turned into starting my family. And here we are. My babies are too young to do this just now, but I think its a good idea to start saving for it! It'll take a few years

Ok, so now to the Scrapbooking part of this. I've been into scrapbooking for three years now. I REALLY enjoy it. It is my creative time, my ME time, my time to relax, my time to vent off the commone frustrations of life.

Two years ago when my first son was born she got hit by the scrapping bug too. This has now become something that we enjoy doing together. She was here just last night cropping away with me.

SOOOO.... while cruising the forums I saw someone mention a scrapping retreat. That made me start thinking about scrapping cruises I've heard of. And POOF I was thinking maybe I should take my mother on a scrapbook tropical cruise.

What do you all think? Anyone ever been on one? How'd it go? Pluses? Minuses? I'm thinking it'd be a cool way to share time together, add a little spice to a cruise, and give us something to focus on that we both enjoy ( besides my children LOL! )

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy DAY!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving yesterday! I know I did. My dear hubby and I hosted it at our house for the first time EVER! It went fabulous! I can't take too much credit though because my hubby Todd did all the cooking! I did do the dishes however.

So today is a GREAT DAY! Why is it a great day? Because my mother has my older son for the day and Todd has the day off so he can mind the baby (when I'm not nursing him of course). So what do I get to do??????


My goal is to clean up my room and get my CJ ready for the mail!

I'm so happy I've been dancing around my room as I clean up! Who would have thought cleaning could be so fun?

I'm off!

ohhhh, Perhaps I'll manage to post a LO or two by the end of the day! ;)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Let's Try This Again!

So, long time no post huh? I think I was a tad bit lost about what I wanted to write. Oh, and just a few days after my last post I found out I was pregnant! HOORAY! But that will just sap the brains right out of your head. I don't think I've been able to put a coherent sentence together since!

That precious baby was born not long ago. He is healthy and happy and growing like a weed! Both of my boys keep me totally awed. What precious gifts from God they are. I'll never figure out why He intrusted so jewels to my care. Obviously God sees something in my that I am blind to.

Since my last post we also sold our home and purchased a new one. I was around five months pregnant when we were packing up and clearing out. What work that was! We are all settled now and truly enjoying our new spacious home. The best part..... I HAVE A WONDERFUL SCRAPPING STUDIO NOW! HORRAY!

My sweet boys need my attention just now. I'll be back